Elle practicing

Nocturnal Emissions -
A case study of a night with Elle.

n August 1995 this researcher went on a ski trip with three other people - Rose, a mutual friend and Elle's ex-housemate; David, a 19 year old boy from the country town of Wagga Wagga; and of course Elle.

We were all staying in a single room with two single beds and a double. After an evening at the local pub enjoying a few schnapps and some strange smelling cigarettes we allowed the two youngest, Elle and David to share the double bed. The following is documented conversation that ensued in the darkness.

10:53pm - "Where's the amyl?" - Elle to David.
10:54pm - "Oh shit, I've got to take my contacts out" - Elle to no-one in particular.
10:56pm - "Wake me when it's hard" - David to Elle.
10:58pm - "Oh, it's you Rose!" - Elle to Rose.
11:00pm - "Oh it hurts!" - Elle to David.
11:05pm - "Oh, there it is!" - David to Elle.
11:09pm - "Oh it hurts!" - Elle to David.
11:10pm - "Oh it hurts!" - Elle to David.
11:16pm - "Are we having rampant sexual fun yet?" - George who was 600km away at the time!
11:20pm - "Can I sleep in your bed?" - Elle to me.

Interestingly enough, what follows was heard the next day when both were interviewed separately.
"It's not worth a repeat." - David.
"I can't remember." - Elle.
"I missed you last night." - David to amyl bottle.
"I burnt my finger." - Elle.

So that proves my point, kids. Say "No" to drugs.

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